Well, I'm here. Here at the university where Coleridge, Wordsworth, Watson, and Crick (and a whole host of other famous people who aren't nearly as important to me) all studdied and worked.
This is freaking awesome!!
I just settled in and started going to classes yesterday, so I am completely lacking in bloggable stories, but I feel like it's important to mention the absolutely lovely and amazing setting in which I am currently living. The Cambridge Tradition program hosts students at Jesus College (and, since I'm a global religion major, do not expect the "finding Jesus" jokes to end any time soon) which is absoultely georgeous and one of the only Cambridge Colleges that allows students to walk on the grass. That might seem like nothing, but it's a pretty big deal here. My teachers and classmates all seem like fantastic and amazing people, and I am really excited to start my classes propperly.
Global Religion at first glance seems like an utterly fascinating course. It's a bit of an overview course (All of the world's religions in a month? I would die), but it seems like a really interesting overview course. The class structure is very debate and discussion orriented, which is perfect for me, with a good bit of work outside of class. All in all, I'm glad I signed up for a major that I am so interested in (especially since I have to spend quite a bit of my time here, including saturday mornings, with the same group of people in the same major class).
My minor class is Ancient Greece, which to me could go either way. On the one hand, we have a legit English professor type; on the other, the course material is almost entirely student driven and all but two of us simply said our interest was "mythology" which doesn't exist in the strict sense they were talking about. I have high hopes for the class, but that's because I an genuinely interested in learning Classical Greek and in the philosophy and theater of the Ancient Greeks.
On an administrative note to my readers, there will be no picture for my stay here (borring, I know. Y'all will actually have to read). I don't have access to Wi-Fi, so I'm working from a public computer. And that means no uploads from my camera. Sorry about that.
In any event, get excited for my posts on my class discussions and debates!
Much love to all readers,
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